Telephone (416) 534-4560

Legal Aid Certificates accepted

[Member of LAO Criminal Law panel, Gladue panel, Sexual Assault Complainant Counsel sub-panel, and CYFSA (Child Protection) panels]

Areas of legal practice:

Criminal Law

  • Complainant/Victim Counsel in Sexual Assault and Child Sexual Assault matters (s.276 and s.278 motions - appointed by Court)

  • Criminal Code Offences

  • Youth Criminal Justice Act

  • Bail proceedings

Gabrielle McLaughlin wearing Court robes and tabs.

Gabrielle McLaughlin, JD


Gabrielle McLaughlin is a sole practitioner, working in downtown Toronto. Gabrielle is a compassionate and thoughtful advocate for vulnerable clients.

Recently, Gabrielle’s work has focussed primarily on representing sexual assault complainants (victims) in pre-trial motions. In this role, she helps to maintain the rights, dignity and voices of sexual assault victims who testify in Court.

Gabrielle believes in a measured approach to the law, leading to reasonable solutions for all parties. Gabrielle provides a respectful environment for clients, with an eye toward her clients’ futures.

A graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Gabrielle previously worked as a professional classical musician for over 20 years, and raised two (now adult) children as a single mother.

Gabrielle McLaughlin facing the camera.



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